Life Swap Package


After I had organised the sewing surprises swap I had realised I was so focused on making sure everyone else had a partner and knew what they were doing I forgot to include myself in it all…

Tweeting about my silly mistake Leila from the three dresses project was so sweet and offered to send me a package! I graciously accepted and offered to send her something in return. (As well as receiving packages I also enjoy sending happy mail too.)

We basically did the same formula as the sewing surprises swap but opted to change it to a life package instead of a sewing bases package, random things we think the other would love which we could include anything…..and this is the wonderful package she sent me.

Lots of sewing goodies

Well this is how our friendship started with a love of sewing goodness, I’ve mentioned time and again my love of the friendly sewing community I’ve found myself apart of and being able to participate in swaps like this just makes it even better.

A cute purse from Columbia

I seriously needed a small bag in my life I think I was just in denial but now I have one which will do perfectly for my trip to Ireland in July, I’m on holiday – there’s no need to carry a massive bag full of the crap I usually hump around with me…right?

Red cups

Anyone who follows me on twitter (@sparklysupanova) will know of my serious obsession with all things America! Growing up watching American teen based shows and movies like One Tree Hill I always saw these red cups when they had parties (I never thought about the fact that you have to be 21 to drink in the states but they were getting drunk every other weekend whilst still at school… oh the shame ha ha) I just thought these cups were cool!

White M+M’s

Obviously being obsessed with all things American my love of ‘candy’ is certainly apart of that! So being sent some M+M’s I hadn’t tried before was cool! (I’m obsessed with the peanut butter ones! – seriously you US peeps don’t know how lucky you are ha ha) I’m slowly working my way through the bag.

I loved the package I received and I cant wait to be apart of more swaps! thank you Leila!

12 thoughts on “Life Swap Package

  1. I’m so glad you hadn’t tried the white M&Ms. I was hoping they were something you hadn’t tasted before. 🙂 I still have to blog about your lovely care package. Your sewing surprises swap was really fun! I’m looking forward to the next one. 🙂

  2. Pingback: Sparkly Swap Package | Three Dresses Project

  3. Ha awesome! I am the same about those cups…always see those cups on US shows. Why don’t we have them over here? The UK cup making market is missing a trick! Right…I WANT TO DO A SWAP!

  4. Hey, because I love your blog I have nominated you for a Liebster Award – go to my blog to find out what it is - xx

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